The Psychology of Success

mindset and goals personal development Oct 05, 2023
The Psychology of Success

You are what you consistently think about! Hence, for things to change, you have to change. In other words, the first step in achieving success in any area of your life is to change your thinking. It's called "The Psychology of Success." Let's use the computer to describe how the mind works. 

How the mind works

The computer's operating system, which is the software that supports the computer's basic function, is compromised of a set of instructions that tell it what to do. Like the computer, our brains use instructions to inform our daily activities, behaviors, and results. Our beliefs, values, and views of ourselves are all pieces of information that impact our operating system - the brain, and either impede or accelerate our success in life and business. Therefore, to improve your performance and productivity in whatever you do, it is first essential to create an awareness of your inner state and then change it to reflect the desired outcome you would like to receive.

Practice awareness

Since you cannot change what you are unaware of, practicing self-awareness will be your first call of duty. Start by candidly asking yourself the following questions. "What conversations have I been having with myself each day?" "Are these conversations helping me or hindering my progress?" If the conversations are negative and self-defeating, you may need to update your "mental software." 

Change your thinking

As Jim Rohn once said, "If you don't like how things are, change it! You are not a tree." But how does one change such self-defeating thoughts? Here's how! Once you have identified the thoughts that you do not like, start overriding them with more positive ones through positive self-talk. Positive self-talk is the process of overriding our past negative programming by replacing it with conscious, positive new directions. Also, remember that reducing negative self-talk is crucial to changing your thinking and may even be more impactful than your positive self-talk since, according to the 3-To-1 positivity ratio, for every negative thought you have, you need three positive ones to neutralize it

Therefore, the secret to taking your life to a whole new level is to change your psychology - your mental state, since you are what you consistently think about. If you think failure, you'll attract failure, but if you think success, you'll inevitably attract success. Hence, as long as you are willing to put in the appropriate work on mastering your mind, achieving success will be within your grasp.