How To Develop Executive Presence

leadership Feb 02, 2023
Executive Presence

Have you ever wondered why some leaders are so influential while others are not? In many instances, it has to do with executive presence. Executive presence is the ability to inspire confidence in others so that they may take impactful actions in their role as team members. Sylvia Hewlett, the author of the book Executive Presence, suggests that executive presence includes how one acts (gravitas), speaks (communication), and looks (appearance) as a leader. Furthermore, executive presence isn’t an inborn trait you either have or do not have. Instead, it is a learned skill. Here are three ways to develop your executive presence, which will set you apart as a leader who commands attention, influence others, and inspire people to achieve stellar results.

Become self-aware

In leadership, self-awareness is an essential characteristic of leadership success. Self-aware leaders are in touch with their thoughts, actions, and how they align with their personal philosophy. Part of the process of creating executive presence also involves an understanding of how those you are leading perceive you. Furthermore, to become better self-aware, practice frequent introspection and often solicit feedback from others on your leadership effectiveness. When you become a self-aware leader, you can leverage your strengths and improve on your weaknesses to improve personal and professional effectiveness.  

Improve your communication skills

A leader should be an effective communicator. Hence let your communication be clear and concise. Furthermore, every leader seeking to develop executive presence must improve their communication skills. Communicating your vision as a leader is a crucial component of the communication process. Hence as an effective communicator, you must be able to paint a vivid picture of the future you hope to create for your team or organization and consistently ensures that the vision permeates the culture and activity of the company. Another component is the ability to listen. Effective listening helps create engagement, build connections with others, and improve trust with those you lead.

Operate effectively under pressure

The ability to work under pressure is an asset in an ever-changing world and is a mark of leadership presence. Hence nurturing mental toughness (MT) - the ability to perform consistently and progressively under pressure is an invaluable asset for a leader. Many people can develop a strategic plan during good times, but only those with executive presence can navigate an organization or team effectively through crises. When your executive presence is intact, you will remain calm, even-keeled, composed, and in command even during challenging moments.

So do you want to develop an executive presence? If yes, you must be deliberate in investing in yourself. Invest time in becoming more self-aware, improving your communication skills, and learning to remain calm under pressure. Furthermore, influential leaders are lifelong learners, which gives them the confidence and gravitas to have a tremendous executive presence.