Five Ways To Deal With Rejection

leadership personal development relationship Jun 06, 2022
Dealing With Rejection

Have you ever noticed how being told no, discourages some people while motivating others to keep pursuing their goals? Handling rejection well can make you a stronger person and will determine your levels of success, personally and professionally, in the future. Here are five ways to deal with rejection.

Have an appropriate grieving period

If you live on planet earth long enough, you will experience some form of rejection. It may be professionally, romantically, or socially, and may be associated with feelings of defeat, depression, and sadness which have a way of eating away at your self-esteem. Therefore, if you feel rejected, deal with it by deciding on an appropriate period to grieve. Take some time off during the day or week to process your emotion by grieving the apparent loss and disappointment you are experiencing.

Talk to someone about the rejection 

Having a shoulder to lean on is always a significant part of dealing with difficulties. Never underestimate the power of a support system. Hence, identify someone you can talk to about how you feel due to being rejected. Find someone who is confidential. It could be a close friend, a relative, or a professional such as a life coach or psychotherapist.

Accept the rejection 

One of the ways the mind seeks to protect us when we get rejected is by asking the "why" question. Unfortunately, the "why" question is a question of judgment, even though it is a question that seeks a reason for the rejection. This judgemental approach in dealing with rejection is one of futility. It is best to accept the rejection for what it is and not take it personally. In other words, if someone doesn't accept you, it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you. It may just mean that you are a better fit somewhere else and not for this opportunity.

Reframe the rejection

To reframe the rejection means to look at it positively. Tell yourself, "there is a lesson that I can learn from this!" Look at the rejection as a door closing in preparation for a better opportunity. Tell yourself that the time isn't right, or it's a blessing in disguise, with something better waiting for me in the future.

Use it to improve

Never allow the rejection to define you. Let it teach you instead. Use the opportunity to examine yourself to see if there is an area in which you can grow. Use it to fuel you towards greatness. To work on mastering your craft, review your plan to grow and become a better you. Finally, take revenge on those who rejected you by becoming a success. Frank Sinatra once said, "The greatest revenge is massive success."